The recycling industry is growing rapidly throughout the UK. However, historically, it has always proved a challenge for the owners of scrap yards and metal waste salvage plants to take out the necessary specialist motor insurance for their vans and flat-bed or tipper trucks. The inevitable result has been that either the wrong cover is chosen or that the rates negotiated are far from attractive. Most importantly, in this sector it is vital to have the correct usage applied to your commercial vehicle policy. So, for example, builders who carry scrap or metal waste without specific protection in place will not have valid insurance.
At Haden Welbeck we have excellent relationships with underwriters who both understand the scrap and salvage business and who offer competitive rates to
insure vehicles on either a Third Party Only, Third Party Fire and Theft or Comprehensive basis. Our experienced team will put together a policy that meets your precise requirements, whether you operate as a sole trader or run a fleet of vehicles, and also advise you on the need for goods-in-transit cover and Employers’ and Public Liability insurance.
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